Tuesday, 4 May 2010

My blog featured: "100 Incredibly Creative Arts & Crafts Blogs"

I'm currently quiet as I'm not making much glass at the mo. Just taking orders and sending glassy goodies out, so apologies for the currently empty blog.

However, I did get an email today worth blogging about. It seems my past posts are still inspirational to read, and this is great to hear. I have been featured in a top 100 of "Incredibly Creative Arts & Crafts Blogs" :)

"May 3rd, 2010

Whether you're naturally creative or need a little help, the Internet is a great way to find inspiration and instructions for arts and craft projects. Through blogs, you can find projects, learn techniques, and see how crafts are being put to use. Follow these blogs to get inspired in arts and crafts."

You can check out the site and the other blogs here.