Sunday I was at the
Southport Airshow. Along with being a creative type, I'm also a bit of a nerd! Planes and helicopters are totally one of my 'things' - I was even going to be a helicopter pilot in the Navy - it was either that or a graphic designer. Unfortunately/fortunately(?!), graphic design won. Anyhoo, the Southport Airshow is always amazing, played out across the vast expanse of flat sandy beach, as you watch planes and helicopters demonstrate their amazing skill from the prom. They even have simulated battles with gun & bomb pyrotechnics which made a few folk jump and set off car alarms! Very cool :)
The Red Arrows opened the show. Go boys!

This dual-rotar
Chinook helicopter really did fly at this angle, I was holding the camera straight! Crazy!! They fly over where I work all the time, but definitely not like this!

The bombing run left a massive smoke ring which flew off over Southport which was very surreal. This is it after a couple of minutes, high in the sky. I didn't realise I'd managed to snap it with a cloud which framed it perfectly behind!
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